Love or Loathe: Drop Shoulder

Last fall, our contributor, Vicki, saw this moss green shirt dress, which caught her eye while browsing the Gap's website. However, she was disheartened when she saw that it was "drop shoulder." Here's what she had to say about the thrend: Drop shoulder" is a thing now? Last I checked, if something had a drop shoulder, it's because it didn't fit properly. Shoulders are supposed to go on... your shoulder. At least, that's the information I've been working with. I, in fact, have gone to some obnoxious lengths to make sure that the shoulders of my garments are at my actual, physical shoulder. And now we're just going and dropping them and calling it fashion? Did I miss a memo? At least it's better than drop-crotch pants. I think. Maybe. What about you? Does this make you go a little cross-eyed in frustration? Or do you think droopy shoulders are chic? If so, for the love of fashion, please explain why. I feel a bit differently. Had I seen...