Epic Tights Sale Season!

This is the time of year I stock up on tights. They're not only on sale, they are on super sale. I often nab $13 pairs for as little as a $1.50. The stores for the best deals in my area are Macy's, Carson's, Kohl's, Target and T.J. Maxx/Marshalls. Macy's, Carson's and T.J. Maxx/Marshalls have the best deals on Hue brand tights, which is probably my favorite brand. T.J.'s and Marshalls will also have some killer designer deals. At Kohl's I stick to Simply Vera and Apt. 9 because I've had the best experience with those. Target tights are delicate so I usually only buy them on clearance in case I only get a few wears out of them.

The best deals are in stores, but you can also find a few deals online. Most of these come in several colors in addition to the one posted here.
Pictured: (right to left, top to bottom)
Muted Yellow Tights, Macy's, $7.99 from $16
ZigZag Tights, Target, $5.95 from $7
Apple Red Tights, Macy's, $5.99 from $13.50
Layered Net Tights, Macy's, $8.99 from $18
Opal Tights, Kohl's, $8.99 from $14
Dark Orange Tights, Carson's, $3.99 from $11
Yellow Tights, Kohl's, $5.99 from $12


J.L. BOSTICK said…
Excellent collection of tights! I love a bargain and have been needing to get some new colors.

Anyway, HELLO, I am a new follower here and on twitter. I look forward to reading more.

-Jennifer @The FAshion Hungry Mommy
Blog- http://fashionhungrymommy.blogspot.com/

Twit - https://twitter.com/FashnHngryMommy

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