Project Runway: And Then There Were...Still Nine

I'm not sure what happened on Project Runway last night. Here's what I am sure of: Ven should thank his lucky stars he got minimal screen time because the one memorable thing he said was "Men are generally stronger designers than women." Shhhh! You're not making it any better for yourself. Dmitry might have to kill all of the other desingers to get the judges to notice him. I appreciate Chirstopher's awareness of how often he uses signature techniques (Ven, I'm looking at you) and his keenness to take a few risks. This has become and all out Boys vs Girls season, and things aren't going well for the girls. Spoiler Alert: The producers needed nine people to make next week's challenge work so they didn't let the judges eliminate anyone. Because of this, the judges appeared to pick completely arbitrary scores for all of the designers. The Challenge: The designers headed to Lord & Taylor's flagship store where they saw a colle...