Cartoons Are Better Than Real Life

In cartoons you can run off the edge of the cliff and you won't fall until you notice that you've run off the edge. You can survive anvils falling on your head. You can be a talking duck. You can teach countless children their state capitals with a silly song. Speaking of silly songs, you can inform the world that everyone has a water buffalo. You can even wear the exact same outfit everyday for all of time because you're drawn and not real. If you've always wanted to experience some of the cartoon life, JumpFromPaper can give you that 2D feel in the 3D world with their quirky, cool cartoon bags. Which bag would you choose for your jump into TV land? Carly Sweetie $89 Summer Breeze Handbag $89 Giggle Crossbody $89 Cheers Bag, $99 Cheese! Messenger $99