Meet Our Newest Blogger

Describe yourself.
I am 27, in school for web design, and am a semi-professional photographer. I play guitar and cello. I adore hockey, reading, crafting, camping, and taking spontaneous trips to visit dear friends. I can't live without my MacBook and Blackberry; I'm one of those always-connected people.
When you're not blogging, what are you doing?
Reading, playing music, playing Halo: Reach or one of the Call of Duty games on Xbox Live, chatting with one of my dear friends, surfing the internet, baking, taking pictures, or napping. I love a good nap.
Describe your personal style.
I love vintage accessories and hair styles, and I like pairing these with more modern clothing. Unless I'm in pajamas or workout clothing, everything I wear is an outfit, even if it's just a long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans. I love accessorizing simple outfits to make them special. Also, I have a serious weakness for boots.
What are your personal fashion rules?
Ignore the sizing tag and pay attention to fit. Don't be afraid of altering clothing so it fits. Upcycle and recycle old clothing into new items whenever possible. Remember that a smile and some confidence is all it takes to pull off a non-traditional look.
Most of the clothes in your closet are from:
Target! Specifically, the Target clearance rack. That thing is my very best friend. Other frequent fliers are Old Navy and Gap.
Your favorite piece of clothing is:
This gray aran knit zipper sweater that used to be my father's. With ski chalet-type sweaters trending during winter, this looks like a killer vintage find, but I just swiped it from his closet years ago. I love dressing it up with skinny jeans, boots, and an interesting top.
What trend do you want to go away?
Jeggings. Whoever invented those pajama jeans should be ashamed of themselves. Also, lounge wear at the airport. People used to get dressed up in their finest clothing to fly, as it was a luxury. Now, people are walking through in slippers and sweat pants. I understand that security checkpoints are a pain when you're dressed to the nines, but can't we find a middle ground?
When you go shopping, you have a weakness for buying:
Anything off the clearance rack.
You hate shopping for:
Handbags. I know, this should be the easy one, but I'm so picky.
What's the most over-rated accessory? The most under-rated?
Overrated? Make-up. I'm all for self-expression in any form, but you don't need to hide yourself under gobs of paint. Underrated? The plain white t-shirt (fitted and properly sized, please). So comfy, so chic, dress it up, dress it down. Always look fabulous.
What's the best bargain in your closet?
Smoky violet Janks from Naturalizer. You fine ladies harped on them for so long and I was so in love, so when they went on sale and I scored them for around $15, I was over the moon.
Who are your style icons?
My beloved friend Amanda for her vintage fearlessness. Marilyn Monroe and Jackie O for always being classy. Sandra Oh for the way she rocks a leather jacket.