You Can Do So Much Better

Christina Aguilera's red carpet showing for Burlesque has been less than fabulous. To be honest, I was expecting something a little more on-the-nose. Garters and a bowler hat maybe. It's not that she looks bad in any of these dresses, it's just that she looks forgettable. She's one of the celebrities I count on to try weird trends and wild designers. Too many famous women live in fear of the worst dressed list that I miss it when the brave ones tone it down.


Catie D. said…
Y'know, I love the freedom that a lot of celebrities show when choosing their outfit for awards shows and the like. However, I can't stand the flak they get!! You've got clueless women, like Joan Rivers (I wouldn't take fashion advice from that hag if my life depended on it!!)

I think the media needs to lay off creative ideas, and look at them open-heartedly. Let's stop shooting down brave people, huh?

-Catie D.
Jael Paris said…
I'm not sure who bothers me more, Joan Rivers or Jay Manuel. They want everyone to look the same!
Catie D. said…
Bahaha, well, according to Project Runway, I think Michael Kors is more of a "regulating nazi". Ugh.
Jennifer Wells said…
I say be yourself. If that means being "weird," then that is fine, as long as you are genuine. If that means being "conservative," that's fine, too. Just don't be something you're not. I really enjoy people who are artless and comfortable.

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