I love Tyra Banks. She's crazy like a fifteen-year-old girl, and that's my favorite flavor of crazy. (Plus, I think highly of anyone who puts as much effort into building up teenage girls as she does.) In that spirit,
The Tyra Banks Show had opposite day this week. Nothing could be as hilarious as New York sanitation workers strutting the runway in four inch heels and
hot fall trends. Not as funny but certainly interesting was Tyra's choice to wear her dress backwards. becca and I wondered how much of our wardrobe we could flip around.
I wish this would double my wardrobe; however, my clothes are either the same front and back or they are sewn with special attention to the boobage. None of my dresses or skirts would work, but I did find three tops to try.
The first thing I thought to try was a button down shirt since we all have them sitting around our closets. This is a bad idea for two reasons. One, it's hard to button up your back. Two, the princess seams in the front are there to make a flattering shape around your breasts, and when turned backwards the shirt just catches on the ladies.

I liked the sexy yet bra hiding v-back, so I tried a v-neck top in a soft knit. In the spirit of being backwards, I grabbing on of my vintage chains to flip around too. This could be a great idea for going out and sexing up a pants look.

Next I tried a shirt that's a little too low cut for work, but backward it was a high neck. A hint of back is different than a hint of cleavage. Best of all, it didn't show my bra. Now I know both of my envelope neck tops don't have to be reserved for weekend wear.

I (this is becca now, and please excuse my appearance because I'm sick) also flipped around some of my own wardrobe pieces. I started with this gray wrap dress. When I bought it I thought a gray wrap dress would be a great addition to my wardrobe, but the drab color, bulky belt and overall lack of interest keeps my from wearing it often. However, I think it's actually a little more fun backwards. I'm still playing with the styling, but I like it.

This red, flowered shirt with kimono sleeves is one of my favorite shirts. I once discovered that it fits almost all of my friends, but looks different on easy of us because we are all very different sizes (think "travel pants"). Since anyone can wear it, I figured I could wear it backwards. In person it has an interesting seam in front that's a little hard to see in the photo. It's not my favorite look, but it's fun.

I believe I've seen the backward cardigan done before, but I really like it. From the front it look like a nice black sweater, but the back is interesting. I think I will have fun wearing this look.

This black skirt is pleated in the front, which is cute. I don't have a straight black skirt in my closet. If I flip this around it becomes a straight black skirt in the front with fun pleats in the back. I really like this one. Also, it's pockets are on the sides so they can be used from either side.

This bubble dress is new. I really like, but if worn the way it's made, it's a little too low cut for me so I usually wear a cami under it. This is fine for day, but at night a cami makes it too casual. However, if I slip it around it's nice in the front with a lovely deep-v in the back. I actually like this better backward. I just have to remove a scratchy tag.

Photos of becca by Liz Van Vuren
Jael Paris, I really like your last two shirts, and becca, I love your skirt backwards!
The floral top was not my favorite.
Rachel, send us pictures if you find any great backwards looks.