Under the Gunn Episode 3

Last week, we got to see how the show will really work. The designers were challenged to make a red carpet look. The teams only came into play in the work room where the mentors worked with their designers. Tim actually mentored both the mentors and the designers is some capacity. The runway worked as any one on Project Runway would--three designers were in the top, three were in the bottom and the rest were safe. From there, we had the judging (jury is still out on this show's judging panel) where one designer won and one was eliminated. Nothing too groundbreaking, but it's different enough from Runway to feel like it's own show. Also, we've yet to see if the teams will compete or be redistributed (I hope not) or what else might occur.

Team Anya
Anya seemed like a decent mentor so far. She wasn't too pushy and her team did well. She had two members in the top and two safe. I didn't love the all fringe look (3rd in the slideshow below), but her team produced mostly solid work.

Team Nick
Nice needs to take a chill pill. He is going overboard. He is basically designing for his team and it shows. He had three safe and one in the bottom. I also think his lowest scoring designer should have been the one to go home.

Team Mondo
Mondo's team got the win and lost a designer all in the same week. As far as show structure goes, I'm glad they are letting that happen, but I don't know if Camila deserved to go home. Her dress was boring from the front but kind of interesting from the back (pictured third and second from last in the slideshow). As for the winning look (pictured last in the slideshow), I really liked it. I like Sam as a designer, but I was surprised I liked his jumpsuit. It was executed well. It was a bit risk considering the challenge (although not all red carpets are the Oscars). And I like designers who go out on a limb, especially this early on.

What did you think of the first runway? Did you agree with the winner and loser?


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