Halloween Costume Ideas

For months, I've been saving Halloween costume ideas. What I desperately want to be this year is a snapshot of a flapper; so, your usual flapper outfit, but all in black and white with elaborate contrast makeup. The picture to the right is similar but a different time period. Isn't it sort of jarring? Unfortunately, I am both short on time and money this year, so I think I will just embrace my inner goth with a borrowed wig and clothing I already own.

This doesn't mean you can't use my months of costume gathering.

A yurei is a Japanese ghost. You can achieve this look with a white robe (or sheet), a wide black sash, khol rimmed eyes and red eye shadow, and red coming from your sleeves. This fashion editorial is great inspiration.

We've posted the Lichtenstein Comic Girl before, but since then I've actually worn this costume. Everyone asked if I was the measles. That's the day I learned Indiana hates art, so consider your audience.

This one is just creepy.

Wear Makeup Geek's Mexican sugar skull witha retro dress, all-black outfit, or peasant top and full skirt.

Use the aforementioned peasant top and full skirt with roses in your hair and a unibrow to be Frida Kahlo.

What will you be for Halloween?


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