Love or Loathe: Open Hearts Collection

Full disclosure: I hate Kay Jewelers. I hate jewelry commercials. I am generally not a fan of popular jewelry designs. (All of this comes from having worked in the used jewelry business for years.) That said, Jane Seymour's Open Hearts collection for Kay's looks like a butt. Maybe it's an abstract image of Kim Kardashian turning to look at the camera. It's all boobs and butt. You know, things that say romance.

Do any of you know a single woman who is pining for one of these, because I don't. Are they just okay, or do you think they're a little butty too? If you were going to get jewelry for Valentine's Day, what sort of jewelry would you want?


Cait Throop said…
I don't know a single woman who is pining for one of these!! And yes, they do look like boobs and butt. I wouldn't wear it.
Unknown said…
I have a friend whose husband gave her this necklace and it is very pretty. But, I have no desire to have my husband buy me one. I prefer more unique jewelry, and if he gets me something, I want it to be because he thought it was "me", not because some ad campaign says thats what I should like.
ChiLibrarian said…
I LOATHE this piece of jewelry and most of the weirdly sexist Kay adverts. My personal least faves are the one where the man "protects" the woman who is startled by thunder (as if his hug would stop lightning); and the uber-creepy one where the soon-to-be stepfather gives the little girl a necklace to match Mommy's. It always seems like the beginning of a PSA about incest and abuse to me. Here little girl, take this shiny thing and love me.... Gag.
Catie D. said…
It always looked to me like a Z, but an evil Z, like the kind an evil overlord named Zorq would spell his name with.
Jael Paris said…
Oooh! I do see a sinister mustache in there.
Anonymous said…
I thought it looked like a butt as well. It has overstayed it's welcome here on earth and needs to leave, NOW!
becca said…
We could meme this. Things the open heart collection looks like. . .

We just need to create images. We'll use #openheartlookslike

Rachel said…
That's what Nathan and I always say: it looks like a butt! I would rather have something either whimsical or very simple.

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