Project Runway All Stars S2 E3: Tag, You're It

Last night's episode took the designers to a legal street art district to be inspired by top "aerosol artists." They then had a chance to paint their fabric with spray paint, which they would use to create their art gallery-ready looks. While I love this challenge, I'm a little board by the "drama" in this episode. Far too much time was spent forcing an Ivy/Laura feud. It was boring. I want to see sewing disasters or how they construct complicated garments or even back story about what they've been up to since they were on the show.
Top Three 
Ivy's look captured street art really well. I didn't love her look, but she did a great job making something modern and interesting that fit the challenge.

Anthony Ryan's look had a very graphic appeal. Up close, you could see that it was spray paint, but from far away it had a much sharper effect.

Emilio was the winner of this challenge. When I first saw it on the runway, I said, "it looks like she's on fire." I loved the structure of the jacket, the use of the spray painted pattern and the overall effect. This was a deserved win.

Bottom Three
Laura's dress was much too short in the front and the fringe in the back didn't really make any sense. For a women who is constantly talking about her expert taste from years of buying high end clothes.

Kayne dress had a lot of good ideas going on, but the overall effect was confusing to the eye and unflattering to the model.

Suede's creation once again had a juniors DIY feel. He has had trouble refining his taste the entire season. This time the judges decided he wouldn't get another chance even if they could see a clear point of view in all of his work.

Safe Designers
(Click through the gallery to see our thoughts on the safe designs.)

What did you think of the winner and loser? What are your thoughts on the season so far?


Unknown said…
I could not get over Kayne’s dress. I wish he would have ripped the bottom of the dress off, I think it would have gotten a better critique from the judges. I’m going to miss next week’s episode because of my work schedule at DISH. I’m not a fan of Ivy or Kathleen, and wouldn’t be sad if either of them were next to go. I’m setting my DISH Hopper to record next week’s episode, and the rest of the season so I can use the 2,000 hours of DVR recording space. I think Anthony Ryan is going to be the one to watch out for this season; he has great design style and construction.

Elizabeth said…
I really did not like Ivy's print at all, which made me hate her look. I thought she was going to be in the bottom at first, but then when they pulled the other three bottom ones out, I knew. I guess I don't have the same taste as the judges :)

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