Project Runway Season 10 Finale [Spolier]

Project Runway season 10 has come to an end. We have a new winner and a new collection of interesting designers and personalities to add to the cast of future all-star seasons. (Although, I vote the next all-star season is a collection of all 10 winners.)

Leading up to runway time, the designers worked hard to make improvements to their collections. Tim took them to Mood for 30 minutes and gave them $300 to get some extra materials. During this time, Dmitry made smart edits and restyled his collection. Fabio added a few pieces and tried to bring a more sophisticated feel to his looks. Melissa took the judges' advice, edited her pieces and made a new wow piece for the end of her show. Christopher had a meltdown, created a ton of new pieces and completely lost focus/the ability to behave like a grown up.

It was clear after the shows that the competitions was between Dmitry and Fabio. Melissa's collection was cool and wearable, but she didn't offer anything new or challenging. Christopher's collection had a lot of interesting points, but he failed to live up to the things he created throughout the season. He didn't do anything the judges expected. He had some successes, but he also had a lot of messes in his collection.

 Click through the slideshow below to see Christopher's collection.

 Click through the slideshow below to see Melissa's collection.

 Click through the slideshow below to see Fabio's collection.

 Click through the slideshow below to see Dmitry's collection.

In the end Heidi dismissed Christopher first and Melissa second. (I thought Melissa should have been dismissed before him, but it's not really that important).  She then explained their love for Fabio's vibrant, new collection and Dmitry's strong, consistent work. And the winner is... DMITRY!

I'm so happy that one of my season-long favorites took the win. I actually would not have begrudged Fabio this win. His collection really was unique and interesting. During Fabio's judging, Michael Kors said, "As a designer, you need to know what people want before they know it themselves." Fabio did that. He made a collection of clothes I wouldn't have guessed I wanted to try, but indeed I did.

Dmitry, however, had more to his collection. Where Fabio had several draped assymetrical looks, Dmitry took the opportunity to try varied techniques, display a range of skills, create remix-worth separates, and give us a collection that could be both wearable and editorial. Dmitry has known his point of view from day one on this show. Fabio should be proud that he is the season's most improved designer, but Dmitry is the season's strongest designer. He has the prize to prove it.

What do you think, Runway fans? Are you happy with this winner? Which collection was your favorite? Are there any standout pieces you'd like to own?


Cait Throop said…
Fabio totally blew me away but I do think Dimitry deserved the win. That was a good last show!!
I really wanted Fabio to win but I know Dimitry deserved to win. I loved that Michael Kors quote. I totally believe that people don't know what the future of fashion is until someone comes up with it. Those colors remind me of colors that were cool when I was in 4th grade but mixed with the '80s mod style that was normally done with dark colors.
Jael Paris said…
I need those droopy hip pants. More hips for everyone!
Rachel said…
This season was unique for me in that I wouldn't have been mad is any one of the final four had won. I agreed that Fabio and Dmitri had the strongest final collections. I'm happy Dmitry won... he's consistent and REALLY good at MAKING clothing. It's all just impeccable and expensive looking. He's going to design for a high-class crowd.

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