Fashion Links

While I love books and I love being girly, the people who did these literary manicures have too much time on their hands. No pun intended. (Flavorwire)
Models, designers, and the residents of Sesame Street, did an editorial for Harper's Bazaar in 2009. I think it could have been cooler. (MYFDB)
Satinee, one of Polyvore's best contributors, made a gallery of runway gowns with the models extracted juxtaposed with celebrities in the dresses for various events and photo shoots. It's a jarring look at how people wear clothes and how we let the wearer color our perceptions. (Polyvore)
Susie Bubble has to plug her shoes in at night. Of course, they're awesome shoes. (Style Bubble)
Finally! A fashion critic is ready to declare that Karl Lagerfeld is talented but not infallible. (Daily Beast)
Read this tongue-in-cheek guide to finding sunglasses for your face shape. (Hairpin)