Plaid Out Of The Country

Roommate is struggling with how to wear plaid. You see, she loves plaid but feels her curly hair and freckles automatically push her into country territory. Just like in college, I have some ideas for what she should wear.

Make it sweet. Not ruffles and lace sweet, because that still has a little cowgirl in it. This sweet is more Elle Woods. Pair your plaid with a cute skirt (a chic cut is best) then pile on the hot pink accessories. If nothing else, put a pink scarf in your hair and wear some pink lip gloss. This would work with any neon as well.

Make it tough. Pull a Johnny Cash and straddle the line between country and rock. Throw a motorcycle jacket over your plaid shirt. Break out the skinny jeans (black over blue). Pull on your butt-kicking boots with some tough jewelry. Now practice your icy stare. (For the record, Roommate is physically incapable of an icy stare.)

Mix it up. If you have a plaid that's low on color, try wearing it with another pattern. Don't wear them side by side though. Here I've separated the patterns with a blazer, but you could also wear your second pattern on your shoes, in your hair, or on a scarf.

I mixed things up a different way with this same outfit. Piles of gleaming metallic can't help but make your look slick.


Rachel said…
I love your suggestions. I'm a big plaid fan and didn't realize it was this versatile!
rachel said…
Thanks! So far, I've got a plaid, too- cute- to- be- catholic- school- girl skirt that I've met with some success, as well as a pair of gingham leggings which somehow worked with a hot pink dress and military hoodie. I now feel prepared to try something a little closer to my face.
Tina Marie said…
LOve the outfit you picked for mixing plaid and stripes. It looks so chic. I always wondered how to do it and I think the blazer really pulls it together. Thanks for the tip!!
Jael Paris said…
For some reason, I thought you had a shirt. Hmm, I'll have to play with skirts and leggings too.
becca said…
I struggle with plaid because I'm not really attracted to it as a print, but that Plaid is Metal set really make me want to try it out.

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