Poll: Dress Code
We've been around the dress code block. becca works from home, and I work in a casual environment that allows me to experiment wildly with clothing. Before this job, I worked in a more professional atmosphere that still gave me wiggle room but required more conservative attire. Even though our work doesn't require much in the clothing department, we both attended schools with hyper-strict dress codes and know the ins and outs of what to cover and what rules to push.

Tell us more about it in the comments.

Tell us more about it in the comments.
This is the most casual dress environment I have EVER been in and I have worked in warehouses. I come from a more traditional corporate background so needless to say, image-wise, I do not fit in.
Anon, we used to have no dress code, but because of people taking advantage, they had to institute obvious things like "You must wear underwear". I'm one of the most dressed up people everyday.
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