Love or Loathe: Print Dress

We at Fashion Me Fabulous love a good print and a classic shape. Trouble is, I'm not sure if this day dress by Nicole Miller has both. The shape is perfect, reminiscent of Black Halo's popular Jackie O dress. The print is another story. Maybe in just grey tones. Maybe if there weren't so many lines for my eyes to follow or so many different sizes of triangles. Maybe I'll like it if I try it on. What do you think? Too much or just enough?


Robin said…
I really like the print, but I think it makes her body look strange.
Elizabeth said…
I vote love it, I just don't know where I would have the guts to wear it.
becca said…
I love the shape, and I love the print. I'm just not sure about them together. It would help if it didn't have that black line at the hip. My eye goes right to it.

I'd like this print a lot on an a-line skirt.
rachel said…
I like it. I think my like would move to love if the colors didn't make me think about an American flag.

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