Project Runway Episode 5

What's black and white and red all over? Dresses made of newspaper, of course. This week Project Runway brought us paper clothing, another weird panel of judges, plenty of Tim Gunn (last week's episode did not have enough Gunn for my tastes), a catwalk cat fight and lies.

The contestants were challenged to makes clothing from newspaper. They could use muslin as a structure to build on, but the muslin couldn't show. Several of the designers freaked out at the first unconventional materials challenge of the season, but compared to previous seasons this was tame.

The contestants must be feeling the pressure because several, mostly Irina and Nicolas, are starting to rip the others apart. If Nicolas doesn't spend more time designing and less time trash talking, he'll be the next to go. Since I've called the losing designer two weeks in a row, he should be careful.

Carol Hannah and Ra'mon has fabulous looks that did not get acknowledged. Carol Hannah's dress was stunning and Ra'mon made the only two piece look. I don't know who I would have kicked out of the top three (except maybe the winner), but these were awesome. Also, Shirin may have been a bit annoying in the work room, but her skirt rocked.
Even though Althea had immunity, she still made it to the top three. She looked like she even had a chance at winning. The print she created from the newsprint was lovely. She is holding strong as one of my season favorites.
Christopher, my absolute favorite, should have won this challenge. His dress was stunning. He made an armored top out of newspaper! He paired it with a gigantic feathered skirt and the feathers were make out of newspaper! He even made a hair accessory for his model! How does all that not equal winning?
Irina won. After bashing Althea's look last week and again this week, she has lost points with me. I prefer good design to bad drama any day. The coat she made was really cute, but I'm not sure why the judges thought it was so original. Sure, scrunching up the newspaper to make the faux fur collar was a good idea, but it wasn't groundbreaking. I'm seen fabric coats that look like that in my price range so I don't think it should be a runway winner.
I felt bad that Gordana ended up in the bottom three. Heidi did too because the dress was just short of average, but still beautifully made. Although, none of the other dresses deserved this position either so I guess that's just how the newspaper crumples.
Nicolas is clearly looking to be crowned Queen Bitch. His constant trash talking has me ready to throw him out. Some of his comments might be entertaining if he was actually creating some good looks, but when the pot calls the kettle black it just makes everyone cringe. And cringe is just what the judges did when looking at his "punk rock" attempt, which they said looked like a bug. Tommy Hilfiger said it looked awfully typical to be "punk." It was styled poorly too.
Liar, Liar, Newspaper Dress on Fire. Johnny is out! Johnny's first creation made Tim Gunn "woeful." (Do not do such things to Tim Gunn!) Johnny had oragami birds holding the dress together, but Tim warned him that "it might look like the birds attacked the dress." Ouch. Johnny started over, but when he had to explain this to his model he told her the steam from the iron ruined it. Later, when the judges attacked his simple, thrown together, look he started telling them about the first dress that was Dior-like how it got destroyed by the evil iron. Nicolas called him out saying the first dress was bad too. After Tim Gunn sent homeward-bound Johnny to clean up his workspace, he turned to the rest of the designers and proclaimed, "I'm incredulous at that utterly preposterous spewing of fiction Johnny did on the runway." It's never good made Tim Gunn so "incredulous" that he must eloquently announce it to the other designers. Bad design and bad form, Johnny.

What did you think of the challenge. Who had your favorite look of the night?

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Jael Paris said…
I like the coat because everyone went for dresses. It looks like a softly structured wool. It's more memorable for me than the dresses.
Unknown said…
I really loved the coat, but I wanted Christopher to win. :-/ And I was completely in love with Althea's dress. It didn't even look like it was made of newspaper.
Nellie Bly said…
Love this challenge. Specifically the two piece. Fabulous dahlinggg!
kylsie said…
I really liked the floor length red dress best. But I thought the coat was very clever. It seems like the belt, etc. would be tricky with paper. It made sense to me that she won.

I was stunned that Johnny lied so blatantly! I wanted them to call him out. We all saw the footage. While Nicholas is whiny whiny, I was kind of mad that no one else called bullshit. What a lame excuse. Having to redo your dress happens all the time on the show. Just own up!
Rachel said…
Christopher is consistently my favorite, and this week was no exception. There were a lot of other really great ones though! I have to disagree with you about Carol Hannah's dress though- I thought it looked messy. I'm glad Johnny is gone.

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