FMF Reader Poll: Expensive Shoes

Welcome to the new FMF weekly reader poll. We're hoping to get to know a little more about you, our beloved readers, and have a little fun with fashion questions. This week we are wondering how much you are willing to pay for fabulous footwear. Please feel free to tell us more in the comments.


Jael Paris said…
I spent $400 for the perfect boots, but I don't think I've ever spent over $100 for shoes. I'm good at finding sales.
becca said…
I have a $190 pair of amazing boots, but I've never spend more tan $100 on shoes either. In fact, the majority of my shoes cost less than $50.
tractordog said…
for some reason i spent $150-ish on these Faryl Robin pumps

Never again.
Anonymous said…
Only my Frye Adriennes. Other than that I've never gone above $60.
Rachel said…
$75 on awesome leather boots :)
Anonymous said…
Great poll! I've spent $200 on a pair of superhigh heels. To spend that much, the shoes MUST be statement shoes!

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