Save or Splurge: Lip Gloss

I love lip gloss, but I actually don't wear it that much. I'm more of a Carmex/Blistex girl. In the cold Midwestern winter chapstick is a must. I only find myself thinking of lip gloss in the warmer months. However, I can't remember buying it recently. I usually recieve it as a gift, "get a free lip gloss with purchase," or something like that. I guess this means lip gloss is weird sort of a save for me since I don't buy it.
However, all of my lip glosses are rather nice. I don't have any cheap ones. Mine are all Dior or Victoria's Secret or some other slightly pricey brand. I don't think I've had a drugstore lip gloss in several years. I used to live by Bon Bon, Rimmel and Covergirl, but I like my Dior so much better. It's not sticky. It wears better. It smells good.
Should I ever have to buy lip gloss I think I might be tempted splurge on a tube of Dior instead of wading through the drugstore for something similar. I just don't know if I could pay $25 for lip gloss, and I'm sure there are some good drugstore finds out there.
What about you? Do you save or splurge on lipgloss?
Dior Addict Ultra Gloss Reflect, Sephora $25.50