Sale Watch: Blue Dresses

Recently, I noticed an absence of blue in my wardrobe. It used to be full of blue. I don't know what happened to it, but it's mostly gone. While I (with the help of Jael Paris) have been searching sales for deals, I've notice a bunch of brilliant blue dresses. All of these dresses are at least 50% off and under $100.Pictured:
Paisley panache dress, French Connection, $39.99
Pusia Scoop neck dress, French Connection, $19.99
Stephen Burrows Stripe Colorblock Dress, Bluefly, $62.99
Karanina Kimono Dress, Bluefly, $83.99
A.B.S. Colorblock Shift Dress, Bluefly, $69.99
Turtleneck sweaterdress, Victoria's Secret, $39


Jael Paris said…
I love the VS sweater dress, but I do not have the 1920's hips needed for a drop waist. The sexy FCUK would look better on me.
tractordog said…
Fun finds! I love the 2 color block dresses
Rachel said…
I love the VS dress too, but it wouldn't look good on me either. Bummer.
I love blue dresses but I never find perfect ones for me... :(

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