Etsy Shop of the Week: Aspasia

I have it on good authority that reader Rachel isn't the only FMF reader obsessed with hats. This is why I am happy to feature another Etsy shop full of fabulous toppers. Aspasia offers some of the most unique knitted and crocheted hats I've ever seen. These hats go beyond berets and pull on winter hats. They feature fashion-forward and fun details. There are even lovely, knit summer hats.

Everything is reasonably priced with items in the shop ranging from $12 to $50. In addition to hats there are ear and neck warmers, necklaces and earrings, scarves and coin purses.

Crocheted hat 190, $38


Anonymous said…
The night gowns looks very beautiful it is a very colorful. Thses night gowns will make a awesome collection.

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