Everyday Bag by L.A.M.B.

We're not really bag nuts at Fashion Me Fabulous, but I do have a severe weakness for doctor's bags. I love the idea of taking something initially so masculine and turning it into an every day women's accessory. The bold black and white print on the "Edinburgh McGregor" by L.A.M.B. would certainly an zest to any outfit and would be perfect for all seasons. The one downside -- and it's major for me -- is the bag is primarily fabric, not leather. Thankfully, the bottom is completely leather, so you don't have to worry about setting it down. It's currently $411 at Zappos, which is about the same cost as a logo covered bag of comparable size from Coach. (If the link doesn't work, you'll have to search for it the old-fashioned way, but it is still there.)


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