Project Design: Steampunk Jewelry

Project Design is our own friendly competition where we put together collection of independent designers for you to rate on your very own imaginary runway.

Steampunk refers to works set in a world where steam power is used (usually the Victorian era) and mixed with a fantasy or science fiction. Steampunk jewelry usually features a lot of gears and machine parts mixed with pretty, ornate Victorian decorations. Which piece makes your clock tick?

Time In A bottle sealed vial earrings by poetsummer

Vintage Steampunk Necklace by Thesteampunktrunk

Steampunk 2 Part Sectional Silver Necklace by edmdesigns

Artistic Steampunk wire ring with Red Tiger Eye by CatherinetteRings

Ruby Ornate Steampunk Filigree Pendant Necklace by PersephonePlus


Unknown said…
Brilliant stuff! I absolutely love the Red Tiger Eye wire ring!
Anonymous said…
The lightbulb earrings are fantastic...
nancy john said…
I don't wear much jewelry, but I love just about every piece you posted! My favorites are the hand-stamped ring, the & necklace.. and if I were a mom, I would absolutely want the necklace with my kids' handwriting. '

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