Cuffs and Collars

Overall, fabric jewelry is a great way to add a bold accessory cheaper than you can get more traditional jewelry. And if you want to spend the money on lush fabrics like cashmere and wool, your jewelry can even help you stay warm come fall.
Etsy is a great place to get cuffs and collars, but I also recommend renaissance faires and museum gift shops. Of course, the cheapest -- and most fun -- way to go about getting some cuffs and collars is to make them yourself.

blue pleated and ruffled collar, Mono, Stars and Infinite Darkness $79
pewter silk jabot, Frock Tarts on Etsy $35
burgundy velvet collar with rose toggle, Rose 'a Pois, Yoox $90
Bottom: reversible black and white collar, Petronella Fashions on Etsy $15
black lace neck corset, KVO Design on Etsy $42
knit scarflette available in 14 colors, Tickled Pink Knits on Etsy $68
cream lace neck ruff, Misfitchic on Etsy $20

grey leather fingerless gloves, Nine West $58 (Want!)
lace satin and rhinestone cuff, Nostalgic Corner on Etsy $89.99
ombre arm warmers, Vince, Shopbop $125
Bottom: black lace cuff, TotusMel on Etsy $48
velvet "Guinevere" cuff, Boudoir Queen on Etsy $75
cream lace Venetian cuffs, Victorian Trading Company $24.95
striped cuffs, Sock Dreams $20
Such nice combo.