Save or Splurge: Clearance

It's sale season and the markdowns just keep getting better. Clearance seems like an obvious save, but that isn't always the case.

I have a habit of trolling clearance racks looking for great deals. Anything under $10 usually seems like a deal, but I find that isn't always true. The savings have brainwashed me into buying things I didn't need or that didn't fit right or that I still haven't worn. Sure, they were only $5 to $10, but those five things could have added up to one, much nicer, clearance item.

For me, clearance racks have become an opportunity to both save and splurge at the same time. I'm not inclined to pay $120 for a pair of pants, but I will pay $60 when those pants are half off. This usually means I've purchased a very well made pair of pants at the price of many lesser pairs. On my current budget, $60 is still a bit of a splurge, but if the pants are a classic, wardrobe staple then it is a good buy.

Many clearance purchases are off season so to be sure the splurge is a worth while one, think about whether or not you'll want to where that item in a few months. Sure, you do have time to lose a few pounds so it fits, but are you actually going to lose a few pounds? You may have loved a trend in the season gone by, but will that trend just seem silly in a few months? To make clearance a true save, even if your splurge a little, look for classic clothing that fits you well.

Do you splurge on clearance?


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