Etsy Shop of the Week: Flutter

Jael Paris found this amazing Esty shop. Flutter offers tees, dresses, and other fun pieces with a lot of flirty, feminine details. Each piece looks very well made and is decidedly girly.

Flutter is two designers, Joleen Rumsey and Rachel Six. They use soft knits to create these soft, ladylike items.

These tops will look great with jeans, skirt, dress pants and layered under structured jackets or vests. They can be dressed up and dressed down. With great options for summer, Flutter pieces will add fun to shorts and denim skirts.

For more great Flutter clothing visit their website.

Graphite No.6 $74.99


Anonymous said…
Yes please to the tee...thanks for the intro!
Jael Paris said…
I generally hate tees, but I'd wear these in a heartbeat. The price is kinda high, but some of her less detailed pieces were cheaper. Must save pennies!
Rachel said…
drool... this shop makes me wish I had lots of money to spend...

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