Designer Art Gallaries

With a journalist's wages, I never expect to afford much designer clothing. I certainly do not expect to see future me buying couture. However, I will always admire these clothes, some of which cost more than what I make in a year.

I love the richness of seeing these things in person. Touching a gorgeous, structured coat only to find out it barely weighs anything. Examining the amazing construction. Feeling the exquisite fabrics. Seeing one-of-a-kind couture made from found or recycled objects. These are the things I just love about these clothes with a nearly absurd price tag.

And these things are why I love to go to boutiques. The shop attendants may look at me like I don't quite belong. Even in my nicest dresses, I don't look like I can afford couture. However, they let me look. They let me take a personal tour through an art gallery full of my favorite kind of art, fashion.

If you live near a designer boutique, go, have fun, look at all the clothes. Don't be afraid to "ooh" and "ahh." Also, don't look a the price tags. You're not going to buy the clothes, so just enjoy them.

Pictured: Givenchy Couture


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