A Moment of Awe for Helen Mirren

I hear the Hollywood is mean to women over 30, and considering how many busty 25-year-olds I see cast as brainy scientists or concerned moms, this rings true. Then there's Helen Mirren. She's everywhere and in everything. And doesn't she seem like the sort of woman you could hang out with all day, shopping, sipping coffee, staring at men, and swapping dirty jokes?

Knowing who she is and what she wants comes through loud and clear in her red carpet choices. Mirren (I'm in too much awe of her to merely address her by her first name) doesn't care for her upper arms, yet refuses to fall into that mother-of-the bride matching jacket trap. She had this gown made, and wisely wore little jewelry as her beaded sleeves were a perfect dramatic complement to her figure hugging red gown.

In a sea of young things swathed in black, Mirren gets my Oscar for best dressed.


Rachel said…
That is a GORGEOUS dress.

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