Too Much Makeup for Daytime

People have told me they find it odd that I wear red (or bright pink) lipstick nearly everyday. "Noticeable lipstick isn't for the workplace," so say people who aren't my boss (who doesn't care). While shopping for eyeliner the other day, I came across several women discussing whether or not black eyeliner was too much makeup for anything other than a dimly lit date. (As one of my New Year's fashion goals this year was to master winged liner, I took an interest in this.) They decided that anything darker than brown or a light grey was just too sultry for the office.

Verdict: with my retro eyes and bold lips, people think I wear too much make up for an everyday daytime look. Mind you, I could spend 20 minutes applying concealer, highlighter, and bronzer for an airbrushed contour look, and that would be okay as long as my lips weren't a color and my eye makeup was brown.

I chose this look because I would rather highlight my lips than my eyes, and it's really quick to do. To me, it's classic. If you tried to leave the house in the 50s with nude lipstick and beige eyeshadow, your mother would have clutched her pearls. So unfinished! But then I don't take it upon myself to tell my coworkers what I think of their makeup either.

Do you think red lips are too much for daytime? What is your work makeup limit? Which is more important to you as far as "too much" makeup, the time it takes to apply or the boldness of the look?


Anonymous said…
--Red lipstick makes me feel put-together.

--Red lipstick makes me feel decisive.

--Red lipstick makes me feel brave.

--Red lipstick isn't phoney like a "natural," shade, which tries to trick you into thinking "Oh, yes, this is my real lip color." Obviously, nobody has lips that are fire-engine red, so it is the most honest.

If I had to choose one lip color, it would be red. Forever.
Jenifa said…
I love & regular use Pink color lipstick. Pink express cool & Love emotion.

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