Project Runway S12E12 in 12 Thoughts or Less

1. Heidi's line of the night: "That sausage is dangling right in front of your nose right now. Or is it a carrot? I'm German, I like sausages better."

2. Butterflies!

3. Avant Garde challenge! I love the Avant Garde challenges, and I'm thrilled that this one was to be inspired by butterflies.

4. I also really enjoyed this twist to this challenge. The designers had to choose a loosing look to remix. The most interesting choice was Justin's who took on the look that got him eliminated before Tim saved him. It ended up being very emotional for him, and I'm glad he conquered that dress.

5. I loved Dom's looks. She was worried about using too many prints, and Tim set her free to do as she pleased. I'm glad she did it. This is vibrant and fun. Also, she fixed Jeremy's mumsy look and turned it into something really cool. Dom is headed to fashion week (and she's my frontrunner for the win right now).

6. Bradon took a risk. I really wasn't sure about this white avant garde. I couldn't decide if it was amazing or too strange. I'm glad the judges landed on amazing. Also, he chose a losing look form an unconventional challenge and made it look like that. I'm glad he's on his way to fashion week. I've been cheering for him all season.

7. Even if some of his picture end up looking really creepy (this is not the only one).

8. Alexandria had a break down this week, which made her seem much less severe. We also saw that she teaches kids how to sew. I wish she was better at letting her personality show. She doesn't come across great on TV.

9. Speaking of Alexandria, I didn't really get her looks. I don't see anything fresh or new here. I haven't seen much that I love form her this season, yet the judges love her. She isn't out, but she still has to compete with Helen and Justin for a spot at fashion week.

10. Justin conquered his losing look (right) and did it well. He faced his failure from this season an got past it. His avant garde look made an excellent first impression on the runway, but has quite a few flaws up close.

11. Helen can be amazing and she can really flop. I thought last week was a flop. I worried she would be eliminated. Her avant garde dress is not new or fabulous or interesting. It was her remix of Kate's losing look that saved her.

12. I would be happy about the whole "no on is out tonight' thing if it had involved Kate. I think Alexandria could have gone... a while ago.


Cait Throop said…
Dom all the way!!! I loved her look, her personality shines through!!
jelloqueen said…
I agree with Cait Throop!
Rachel said…
Alexandria's looks were so odd! It just seemed like she was trying way too hard, and both looks ended up looking like costumes.

I didn't love Bradon's white dress. I think it would have been much better with just a few "noodles."

Go Dom!

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