Project Runway S12 E5 in 12 Thoughts or Less

1. Project Runway seems to be doing an unconventional materials season. I love unconventional materials, but I also like to see what they can make out of real fabric. And for an unconventional challenge, this was rather unremarkable. I didn't have any "Wow, they made a dress out of ice cream sandwiches and hair spray bottles?!" moments. The possible sources were a grocery store, a vintage wallpaper shop (cool idea but too much like fabric) and a home supply/party store.
2. I think even the producers know we aren't buying the forced product placement. This week the designer had to ride around in a Lexus to get to two of three possible locations. The car didn't have to be used as inspiration, but it could be. Although, it turns out the winning team did draw inspiration from their vehicle.

3. I always wonder if the button bag is rigged. This time they skipped it and just assigned teams.

4. I think additional unconventional materials challenges is enough drama. We don't need more team challenges. We just did a whole season of that.

5. Ken. Ugh. His attitude was appalling this week. Did he see Sandro's departure as an open casting call for season villain?

6. This was the winning team. Jeremy's white dress (right-most model) wasn't my favorite this week, but it was pretty. Did you think it was a winner?

7. Bradon's dress was very pretty. Probably my favorite this week.

8. Kate went for an edigier look this week. I don't love it, but it's different and pushing her out of her comfort zone. The judges were impressed.

9. I'm not sure how I feel about Dom's look overall, but I appreciate the risk-taking.

10. I think I've chosen my top three already: Kate, Bradon and Dom. Dare I say that so soon? Who would have thought I would pick Kate based on last season?

11. Here is the losing team. I would have sent Ken home for attitude, but design-wise it seemed like Sue's time to go. Her dress (far left) wasn't even finished. The model had to stitch it up just so she could walk in it. Actually not finishing your dress is grounds to go home.

12. Sandro did come back to apologize, but it was just sort of weird.

What did you think of last week's episode? Who are you cheering for?


Anonymous said…
I'm going to sound like a party-pooper, but the bizarre challenges make me wonder what some of these people could do if they were just allowed to design and create, plain and simple. No crazy materials, no asking strangers for their clothes. I'm sure that stuff makes great television, but obviously it shows nobody at their best.
Rachel said…
I'm a sucker for unconventional challenges. It was kind of a bummer nobody used something more interesting than placemats. I agree with your top 3. I'm glad Sue went home.

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