Project Runway S12 E3 in 12 Thoughts or Less

This season I'm recapping Project Runway season 12 in 12 thoughts or less. This week brought us a teams challenge and an unconventional materials challenge.
1. I love unconventional materials challenges.

2. I hate team challenges.

3. Coney Island was a great place for unconventional materials. I like that they had to play games to win their materials (even if the games were rigged for easy wins). I also like that they had to make things out of those cheap carnival prizes.

4. I need this monster sweater. I need it several colors. Need.

5. I have no idea what is going on here.

6. I was sad these pants didn't get a mention. They are made out of inflatable toy material. They fit better than 98% of pants available in stores. Jeremy was on this team. He made great pants in the first episode.

7. The Yoplait product placement was super forced. The designers had to serve Yoplait frozen yogurt to people and collect descriptive words and pick favorite adverbs from the list to inspire an outfit. Ugh... Just show a 5 minute Yoplait commercial and leave the designers alone.

8. Timothy and Miranda come from the same small town and seem to know each other too well. I wouldn't want to be on a team with Timothy's talents, but I would rather him over Miranda's emotional verbal abuse. These two were a hot mess fashion wise and interpersonally. Regardless, it was Timothy's time to go.

9. At least he got this unicorn to take home with him.

10. Sandro needs to leave. NOW! Here is just one of his problem statements:  "When woman listens to a man, it's so cool." Poor Sue. I don't know how she didn't kill him.

11. The winning dress was made entirely out of cheap sombreros, Helen and Kate did a wonderful job and Kate (anxious to lose last seasons "bitch" status) sweetly gave Helen the credit and, therefore, the win.

12. Zac Posen looks confused in this photo. We should caption it!


ninam said…
I need to start watching this show.

great post xx
Elizabeth said…
As a Wisconsinite, I must point out that Milwaukee, WI is not a "small town" ;) (it is the 30th largest city in the US). Unless perhaps their bios are wrong and they are from a suburb of MKE.

And as much as I want to cheer for the WI designers, I agree Timothy was not the greatest and deserved to go.
becca said…
Elizabeth, I've been to Milwaukee--not a small town. One of them said they were both from the same small town in Wisconsin. Either they are generalizing on their profiles, or they were exaggerating things to make it sound like a better story for TV.

I think a designer that focuses on sustainable materials might be interesting to watch on the show, but I don't think Timothy was quite ready for everything.

Maybe Miranda will step things up so you have a WI designer to cheer for.

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