Etsy Shop of the Week: Digital Nails

Shop: Digital Nails

Why We Love It: Well, for starters, the name is a delightful pun. Digits--fingers--nails. Get it? Most importantly, this shop is full of polishes inspired by Doctor Who, Adventure Time, Harry Potter, Arrested Development and general nerdy awesomeness. I sort of want them all.

Price Range: $5.50 - $13

Links: Facebook

Favorite Items:
(Click through the slideshow below to see some favorites).

Pictured: Hello Sweetie $10; Bad Wolf $10; Spectraflair Holographic Topcoat $10; Double Rainicorn $10; Ultimate Ginger $10; Wibbly Wobbly $10; Pegasus Poots $10; Pandorica $13 (also pictured above)


Anonymous said…
I have to hang my head in shame, because I'm not familiar with many of these references.
Jael Paris said…
You are in luck, Nora, because Doctor Who is a great show to watch with children. Start with Christopher Eccelston's Doctor and gauge the scariness from there.

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