Etsy Shop of the Week: The Butterflies Shop

Shop: The Butterflies Shop

Why We Love It: Science fiction author, Robert A. Heinlein termed butterflies "self-propelled flowers." While the unmoving flowers make me sneeze, I've never had a problem with butterflies. I love how they lilt past on sunny days as their wings flash a variety of colors. The Butterflies Shop captures the whimsy and beauty of butterflies in clothing and accessories.

Price Range: $2 - $259

Links: Facebook

Favorite Items:
(Click through the slideshow below to see some of our favorites).

Pictured: Tiny World of Butterflies Ring $80; Butterfly Leather Hair Barrette $11.50; Mint Leather Scalloped Obi Belt $52.50; Fabric Butterfly Brooch $32.50; Butterfly Dress $55; Black Butterfly Dress $65; Butterfly Wings Dress $259; I Will Fly Away Butterflies Necklace $49 (also pictured above)


Nora Bradshaw said…
I can't believe some of the pretty things that you find.

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