Bringing Your Wardrobe into 2013

We have suddenly found ourselves unfashionable. It's not that we don't still have a distinctive style and expression with clothing, but our overtly feminine and romantic style is not what is dominating all the stores at the moment. The most irritating result of this is people stopping us in public places to tell us they hate our clothes. (What sort of grown mean girls do this? Does it make you feel better about yourself?)

Really, what woman doesn't keep clothes around for a few years? Few of us can afford to buy a new wardrobe of trends each season. We should always buy what we like, not be a slave to what is popular. The key is mixing it well and staying out of a rut. I look at some of my coworkers who were in high school in the mid 80s, and they are still wearing teased mullets and garish windbreakers. I do not want to be them in 2033. This is why young adults can wear your granddad's clothes and look incredible; they're not coordinating the items like they were originally. Here are my ideas for those of us who want to remix our 2007 wardrobe for 2013.

In some ways, many trends from four and five years ago are still hot. For example, color blocking became really popular in 2007. (What?! I can wear purple, teal and mustard all at once?!) Aside from a brief, horrible season of khaki, color's been on top for a while. A color you like in a classic cut is always a good buy. This spring tone down the color blocking and mix your favorite colors with neutrals. Not hard at all. (Unless you are me and seem to never buy neutrals.) Below I updated a heavily embellished Emma Pillsbury cardigan with brown tones, leather, and matching shoes.
Embellished Cardigan, Leather Skirt

One of your best buys for this season (and last, and most likely next), is brightly colored pants in a slim cut. They look very now, and you can take anything you loved five years ago -- giant flower cardigans, ruffle blouses, puffy sleeves -- look current when worn together. Just keep your accessories classic and minimal.
Spring, you can come back now.

Lace is always a big deal, but it's more sexual and less romantic than it was five years ago. Meet in the middle by wearing your hopelessly romantic top with a hopelessly sexy pencil skirt. Again, keep all of your accessories minimal.
Pearls, Lace, Pencil

The same goes for most girly trends from a couple years ago. Whether it's a lace blouse, a rose embellished skirt, or giant puff sleeves, dress the other half of your body in a classic, tailored garment.
Black and Cream


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