Wearing Nothing New

I recently watched the below TED Talk by Jessi Arrington of Lucky So and So. She is a Brooklyn based designer who buys all of her clothing at thrift stores, loves color and once spent an entire year researching and writing about the color pink.

I love the creativity and playfulness she brings to her wardrobe by taking risks and embracing what she loves. She plays with bold colors and isn't afraid to rock her own style. I also love her project because she uses fashion to express herself and find joy in the everyday activity of getting dressed. In fact, she lists several life lessons learned from her "Wearing Nothing New" project.

1. You do not have to spend a lot of money to look great.
We talk about this a lot here at FMF. It's why we do features like the $150 Challenge and budget shopping posts.
2. Color is powerful.
Color moves us, which is why it can be a little daunting to wear sometimes, but it's worth experimenting because it really adds to your look. (Check out our color posts for color inspiration.)
3. Fitting in is overrated. Be yourself!
This is my favorite of her lessons. My journey with fashion started by trying to fit in. I might never have become this interested in fashion if the girls in junior high hadn't told me my clothes were ugly. Of course, wearing the "cool" clothes never helped me fit in so I started wearing things that reflected my personality. It didn't make me more popular, but it made me a lot happier.
4. Embrace your inner child.
Pink tights aren't just for little girls. Neither are tutus. Don't let "being a grown-up" get in the way of having fun with fashion. (Look at Betsey Johnson).
5. Confidence is key.
Jessi said in her talk, "If you believe you are beautiful inside and out, there is no look you can't pull off." If you want to rock a new look, know that you are beautiful and that you can pull it off.
6. Gold sequins go with everything.
True dat.
7. Developing your unique style tells the world about you without you having to say a word.
First, I love that I can express myself just by getting dressed. I also love that I can change what I want to say everyday. Second, I often use fashion to make new connections. Talking to a woman about her shoes is a great ice breaker.

What do you think of her thrifting experiment and life lessons? What are your favorite second-hand finds? Have you ever learned a life lesson from fashion?


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