Inspired By Books

I love to read. If a book is good I get sucked in, so much so that I didn't move for 8 hours when I hit the action in Life of Pi. Since I get very involved in the books I read, they often influence my mood, which influences how I dress even if the book has nothing to do with fashion.

I picked up Steve Martin's book, Born Standing Up, because I wanted a funny audio book for a long drive. I never expected fashion tips, but Martin's switch from dressing like a hippie to wearing a suit for his standup performances intrigued me. I love the idea of serious clothing with wacky behavior and accessories.
2011 In Books: Born Standing Up by Steve Martin

The Murder Room was misfiled as fiction when I picked it up (the cover was so cool I forgot to really investigate further). I was a bit bummed that it was nonfiction, but the true crime stories compelled me even more to don a Kate Beckett-worthy coat and catch some murders.
2011 In Books: The Murder Room by Michael Capuzzo

Not only did Michael Pollan's Food Rules make me want to eat healthier, but it also made me want to wear easy natural fibers and get up really early to nab the best finds at the farmers market.
2011 In Books: Food Rules by Michael Pollan

I did read several fashion books last year, but the best fashion books I read were actually fiction. I never expected The Hunger Games series to be so style heavy. I love the power clothing possessed in the books as Katniss progressed from a smoldering ember to girl on fire to revolutionary icon.
2011 In Books: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I created a set inspired by each book I read last year. You can click through the below gallery to see them all.


Unknown said…
Love this post! What a cool idea! Also love the outfits you chose!
Jennifer Wells said…
Go you! Congratulations on reading such awesome books.

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