Love or Loathe: Mod Cloth Party Dress

Mod Cloth is touting this "Draping Devotion" dress as part of their holiday party collection. I wouldn't wear this to a party. To me, it's sort of Little House on the Prairie gets fancy crafty with table cloths, and that's not meant as a slam at all. I really like the dress as the shiny patterned base to a boho look. Here I've roughed it up with riding boots and a leather jacket, but a chunky knit cropped cardigan and heavy wedges would also work. Both looks are certainly for the eccentric, but this eccentric heart can look on the dress with fondness.

It's My Party Dress, I'll Boho If I Want To

What do you think of this dress? Is it party perfect or can it be transformed into something else?


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Cynthia said…
LOL @ the Little House comment. I definitely do not love the dress for a party or otherwise, but your styling makes it much better!
Bronnie said…
I'd be tempted to shorten that underneath layer to about knee length and wear a puffy petticoat under it. Worn with bright yellow accesories?
Jael Paris said…
Puffy petticoat! Bronnie, you say beautiful things.

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