Pick Of The Week: Olay Total Effects

My mom is pushing 60 and has great skin, so I've decided, with genetics on my side, to use her skin care product of choice -- Oil of Olay. I used the night cream all through high school and college. A few years ago, I bought the daily moisturizer with SPF15. Last time I was at the store, I thought I'd save a few pennies by buying generic. It smelled and felt greasy, but I thought aside from pleasantries, it couldn't be too different from the real thing. Except in a few weeks time, my skin had turned sallow. My pores were huge, and I was breaking out like a teen before class pictures. My new moisturizer made my skin look my feel horrible! I've since switched back, this time to Olay Total Effects with SPF 15. It may be nearly $20, by my skin feels so soft and smooth and looks so amazing that I've once again decided to forgo foundation.


Robin said…
I like Neutrogena with the highest SPF, but lately they switched the formula. It went up from 45 SPF to 50 (I believe?) and now makes my face an oily mess. Back on the moisturizer market I go.

I might have to give this one a try...
Jael Paris said…
I'm not sure how it will do compared to that high of an SPF, but it's certainly better than the nothing I didn't know I was wearing. :-(

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