The Horror: The Pollen Is Unobtainium Dust

I love a good flower pin and bought a big orange one from Vaivanat on Etsy a few years back. Flower brooches live on certain blazers or are used to liven up simple sheaths or headbands, but my intent is always to add flair. I can't think of a time I'd use a denim flower brooch. Even with my well recorded love of mashing things together, this wouldn't even end up on a froofy dress. It's just not my style. Especially not for FOUR HUNDRED BLOODY DOLLARS JUST BECAUSE IT SAYS CHANEL ON THE BACK!!!!! And breathe. But the $600 knit still insane. Vaivanat will make me a pin by hand for $20.


Rachael said…
$400 is truly insane. I bought a similar pin for $6 two years ago, and I've never worn it, not even once. And I wear pins all the time. The idea of a denim flower pin? Brilliant. The reality? They don't go with anything.

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