Etsy Shop of the Week: Girl Tuesday Jewelry

Shop: Girl Tuesday Jewlery

Why We Love It: Harness necklaces and barbed wire jewelry are just the kind of unique, edgy pieces I love.

Price Range: $14 - $175

More Info: Check out the artist's blog, and other Etsy shop (with it's own blog).

Favorite Items: Rionach Harness Necklace $175 (pictured); Barbed Wire Hoops $49; Maeve Harness Necklace $95; Raelin Harness Necklace $85; Siobhan Harness Necklace $75; Tough Love Barbed Wire Earrings $45; Cubist Crystal Earrings $35


Lindsey said…
LOVE this harness necklace!!!!!

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