Etsy Shop of the Week: Wobashka

Shop: Wobashka

Why We Love It: Vintage scarves are upcylced into lovely feminine ascots. These offer a kicky jewelry alternative. Vintage, pleats, lace... what's not to love?

Price Range: $50

Favorite Items: Chrysler, Vintage Hand Pleated Scarf - Pink; the A line, Vintage Hand Pleated Scarf; Chrysler, Vintage Hand Pleated Scarf - Yellow (Pictured)


kylsie said…
I don't love the price. But they are really, really cool. I wish she tucked more of them in. I like the idea of them as an ascot more than as a necklace. Maybe that's just me.
becca said…
Kylsie, I like the idea of them tucked in like an ascot more too. In fact, I'd love to see the black lace ones tucked into a crisp white skirt.

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