FMF Reader Poll: Makeup For Beginners

Last week Jael Paris asked how old you had all been when you started wearing makeup. This made me recall my first attempts at putting on makeup when I was fourteen. My instinct has been to start with blue eyeshadow and pink lipstick (I blame Barbie for this), but I toned everything down before I left the house, which I still thank myself for doing. Even though I played with my makeup at home for outrageous looks, I walked out of the house looking almost natural (almost). What did your first attempts look like? Feel free to explain more in the comments.


kylsie said…
In high school, I wore brown mascara and no eyeliner for years (couldn't figure it out), along with an array of assorted products designed to look natural. One day I wore black mascara, and people asked when I'd started wearing makeup.

By college, I was wearing three shades of green eyeshadow rainbowed across, with gold in the corners.
Jael Paris said…
My mom would let me play with her old makeup when I was very young, and I'd apply green shadow up to my brows. When I really started wearing it in middle school, I had a steely blue smoky eye and burgundy lipstick. People thought I was in a vampire cult.
Karnii said…
soph year of high school, i was ambitous. i tried to do a liquid eyeliner cat-eye... it was smudge central.

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