$150 Challenge: Sunset Fringe

I featured this ombre fringe top in my fruity post last week, but it can't be the easiest thing to wear. To keep from looking over-the-top and starved for attention, stay simple. Navy shorts are the epitome of understated. A neutral quilted bag and small print cheetah flats continue the textural interest without being overbearing. A gold bracelet ties nicely to the purse, and blue nails both maintain a low key while being unexpected. Best of all, this look barely crosses the three digit mark at $100.85. Take that, economy!
orange fringe top, Twelve by Twelve $42
navy linen shorts, Forever 21 $12.50
cheetah flats, Target $12.99
taupe quilted bag, Tianni on Amazon $14.89
ball bracelet, Target $12.99
OPI Russian Navy nail polish, Amazon $5.48


Iva Messy said…
WOW! great price!

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