The Horror: Bad Bra

My husband, mother and I were sitting in a restaurant on Main Street when we realized it was prom for a local school. Cue the limo parade! My two favorite dresses were a cute aqua bubble dress (Yea movement!) and a coral halter gown with what looked like gold tiger stripes on it. Believe me, that looked better than it sounds. However, most of the girls suffered from what becca and I call Midwestern Prom Syndrome. Symptoms of MPS include wearing a dress as generic as a bridesmaid gown; covering every inch of you in rhinestones, sequins, and satin to show how grown up you are; styling your hair in a way that requires industrial glue to stay put; neglecting in any way to make your look actually look like you.

But that was not the horror of the night; after all, how frequently do teenagers stand out in a crowd? The horror was a girl in a lime and turquoise halter dress. She'd clearly spent a considerable amount of time and money getting the perfect tan for prom, but she neglected to buy the correct bra. I could see the beige band of her bra glaring across her tan back from the other side of the street. True, some teens completely forget the bra part of the dress, but that's why we have moms and friends. Why did no one pull her aside and say, "Honey, this isn't working"?


Fashionista said…
thats a great post..i love to see some of these young girls in prom dresses..some look great and then their are the others who you do think where is there friends or family for some advice when they were buying this dress..

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