Save or Splurge: Floral Prints

Last week, the weather led me on by bring warm and sunny for a few days before crushing my spirit with snow. To celebrate the warmth, I decided to wear a floral print. To my surprise, I only have one floral print item in my closet that doesn't look more Asian than spring-like. It's a silk, floral skirt from Express. I got it on clearance for $23 from $80 (this required intense stalking). I've decided I need more floral items.

While at K-Mart a few weeks ago, I spotted this abstract floral skirt (pictured). Sadly, they did not have my size. It's lined, well-made, abstract and dark enough to wear in the fall, and only $24.99. Earlier today, I posted a bunch of cute florals from Target, all of which are under $50. Vintage shops, thrift stores and resale shops are all packed with floral prints from days gone by.

Since florals for spring really aren't groundbreaking, they can be found at amazingly low prices. This is why I view floral prints as a save. I would normally declare such a feminine classic a splurge, but with florals popping up as such great prices, why not save?

Are floral prints a save or splurge?


Vicki said…
I think I had that exact skirt in the 80's. It's giving me some sort of uncomfortable gradeschool flashback. The structure is awesome. The print, to me, feels dated.
Jael Paris said…
I can do you one better, Vicki. I think I had it in a romper with a lace collar.
becca said…
The print caught my eye in the store, but I never wore many big, eighties florals so no flashbacks.

Jael, I remember rompers with lace collars. In this print though? Wow.

The structure is awesome. (It does come in basic black.)
Jael Paris said…
My father loved shopping for his girls. I was a trendy kid. The grunge, however, was not his idea.
Single Lady said…
Haha, of all the 80s trends to come back at the moment I think the floral prints are the least offensive...every high street shop in the UK is going mad for floral stuff at the minute.
Anonymous said…
splurge -- and i have! i love florals, and i'd love to see an asian florals roundup.

though when i think about it, i actually don't care for many styles of florals -- watercolor, laura ashley, cath kidson, 80s. i prefer florals which have distinct outlines, some room to breathe, and remind me of china, japan or india rather than euros.

my most recent splurge was this dress (with a 20% off coupon, but still splurge-y) -- watercolory but also so asian i don't mind:

thanks for the blog by the way -- i don't often comment but i often read.

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