Love or Loathe: Sweet Dress

Half of me thinks this mint shift is cute, sweet, and springy. Half of me hates the cut and thinks both the colors and the print are twee and childish. Which half will you side with? (Would it sway you to know it's $167.45 at Bluefly, and that's a 50% savings?)


Anonymous said…
I kinda like it. And I kinda understand why it's got the big price tag -silk lined with silk. It reminds me of a linen dress that I have that I call "the oatmeal dress." The only difference is, I paid $5 for mine, so I don't have to feel bad if I get something on it. This isn't cute enough for the price.
Anonymous said…
I must opt for the second option. I agree that it would be cuter with a $5 price tag!
Unknown said…
Like the color/cut/style. Could do without the flower print.
Anonymous said…
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Jenn @ Workchic said…
Think it would make a cuter blouse then a dress. Can see it tucked into straight leg dark wash denim under a cardigan with ballet flats. It's a bit pricey to be making alterations too though.

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