Where Are The Tweed Dresses?

Stores are full of tweed dresses...priced over $400. This trend is taking its sweet time trickling down to the department stores and national chains. Hopefully, in a few weeks I'll have some affordable versions for you. In the mean time, I like these tweed dresses I'll never be able to afford.
RM by Roland Mouret's modern sex bomb dress
Miu Miu's colorful minidress
Antonio Berardi's curvy button dress


Rachel said…
Holy cow. I think I could MAKE the first two dresses with no trouble... they're so simple... hey, since we're friends I'll sell my version to you for the low low price of $200! ;)
Jael Paris said…
Rachel, I love those RM dresses. If you could make me one, I'd definitely pay you $200.

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