My Best Halloween Costume

Come play with us. All the other children ran away.I came up with this on the spur of the moment when my sweet roomie with the child-like face said she didn't want to wear her usual Renaissance garb for Halloween. I thought I'd help her do a standard goth look instead, but she ended up looking like a doll...a creepy dead doll.

Inspired, I grabbed my black pleat skirt and a black satin top, pulled my hair into messy pigtails haphazardly tied in a ribbon, and set to work on my makeup. I used concealer to cover the edges of my lips and made sort of a bow shape with dark burgundy lipstick. Purple and black shadows made my eyes deep set, and I drew exaggerated lashes with eyeliner.

Roomie and I then beset ourselves on our RA's door. We clawed and moaned "Come play with us." She was freaked. We went to becca and company's and did the same thing, and they wanted to join the fun. The five of us ended up crashing a few parties, piling our selves at the bottom of stairwells, scaring the sense out of a rather snotty speech prof, and having campus security called on us.

If you have the power to not laugh while walking hand in hand, silently and wide-eyed through a party by all means, join us in the valley of the dead dolls. Everything you need is already in your closet.
-- Dark puff, ruffle or lace top
-- Dark pleat, puff or ruffle skirt
-- Dark mary jane shoes
-- Dark tights
-- Dark ribbons or some child prop like a bear

If you're going to be in a dark place, don't worry about being all black. Your navy, hunter and purple will look black in dim light. Now practice not laughing as you say "I didn't mean to push him down the stairs."


becca said…
Best Halloween Ever!
Rachel said…
Hehehe... oh, the memories!
Jael Paris said…
One of my few college regrets is that we only did this once.
Anh said…
I like your idea. Love the eyelash lines.

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