Betty Halbreich worked as a personal shopper in Bergdorf Goodman for decades.
Secrets of a Fashion Therapist is the culmination of all those years working with clothes wrapped up in a motherly package. Though it was originally published in 1997, the only thing that dates the book is a reference to Prada shoes maxing out at $400. (There's an updated version from 2005.) Halbreich doesn't want to make you trendy or avant garde; she just wants to help you build a basic wardrobe. If you are one of our many readers graduating college and about to embark on a career, a couple dollars on Amazon can bring you tons of tips on looking timelessly, effortlessly chic.
Rather than limiting you to a certain number of items, Halbreich gives you a vocabulary of coats, necklines, bras, etc to work with and tips on what flatters different bodies. The book emphasizes classic styles, but encourages the reader to play with inexpensive and trendy items.
In addition to clothes, Halbreich writes about fit, budget, clothing care and problem areas. All of this made the book accessible instead of feeling like a designer commercial.
Halbreich pushes the importance of a basic cardigan. Kenneth Cole Reaction, Nordstrom $79
- Market Publique